Thursday 6 October 2011


In order to discuss affordances within my topic of cooking I have decided to reflect on the last time that I could a decent meal.  Hagedorn (2000) states that Affordance is anything which the environment can offer the individual which is pertinent to the role challenge and can facilitate role competence. I fell that Hagedorn explains affordance in a complex way and I personal understanding of affordance is anything that can be taken or gained from an activity in my personal case cooking. The last meal that I prepared was a beef stir fry this was made for both myself and flatmates to enjoy. This meal took around 30min to prepare so in the scale of things was a fairly quick and easy meal .


Aesthetics is the potential implicit in the activity for the person to express and enhance a sense of beauty
for me cooking is away to stay in touchwith my creative side. beauty of cooking is enhanced by the meal selection and the time and effot that is set aside. garnishing and utilising smells is a good way that i create beauty within my cooking.

Cooking is an activity that can express a lot about oneself and is an activity that can incorporate a lot of various forms of communication. Is it important for individuals to communicate when cooking occurs as we are all individuals and all have our own personalised likes and dislikes that must be considered when preparing and cooking meals for others.   For this particular meal communication was key in both meal preparation and also the actual cooking of the meal as both my flatmate and I were preparing the meal together and my flatmate does not eat a lot of foods. It was my responsibility to ensure that communication was in place so that we could agree on a meal that we could both cook and enjoy.  Communication can also be seen through the ways in which I prepare meals. This knowledge has been gained through years of teaching and communication handed down though out my family.

Cooking is essential for my wellbeing in two different ways. The first one is that do to the fact that I spent a lot of time involved in physical activity  it essential that I am preparing good quality meals and gaining the life skills to do this now as they will be essential in future years in order to fulfil roles such as wife and mother. It is also essential for my wellbeing as I find this to be an extremely enjoyable activity when I set aside time do fully prepare and entertain people.  

Hagedorn, R. (2000). Tools for practice in occupational therapy: A structures approach to core skills and processes. London: Churchill Livingstone

Here is a brief intro of how an object can differ for many indviduals and differences can be gained.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kylie, Good use of Relevant Occupational Therapy quotes throughout your blog. In your blog are you talking about just one time that you made a beef stir fry? just wondering if you are supposed to be that specific? Maybe check out some other student blogs on cooking, and see what they are about. I also like the use of YouTube examples! good idea.
    Happy blogging :)
